The Secret to Getting Great Engagement Photos
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Monday, June 24, 2019
By Kellwood Studio Photography
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What is the Secret to Getting Great Engagement Photos? 

The Secret is to understand their "Couple Personality" 

Every Couple has a personality when they are together. Whether they are bold and adventurous, quiet and reflective, or silly and affectionate, every couple has a "couple personality". My husband and I are loud. We don't mean to be, its just that stuff happens to us. Weird stuff . Getting dumped on in the rain before we enter a small group gathering or breaking through ice as we take photos of the Rock River. Stuff just happens. and we respond. Loudly, laughing and drawing way to much attention to ourselves I am sure. But its funny to us. And the rest of the world doesn't really matter to us in that moment. We have a "couple personality" and its what I love about us! 
I have photographed many couples. Some are uncomfortable touching each other publicly. And honestly, some can't keep their hands off of each other. It doesn't matter because the secret is that they just interact as them. A good photographer is sensitive to each session, and draws out the authentic couple and personality through pre consultations and guided interactions.  To be a great Engagement photographer you need to LISTEN your couple - UNDERSTAND them. Don't just cut and paste what you did for your last session onto your current session.  You should also have a setting that they will enjoy. And allow them through your approach and conversation to have fun. Because while every couple's fun looks different, every couple has FUN. it's up to you to understand them. 
Engagement sessions are the best. They are like a test drive to booking you as their wedding photographer.  Which means that you have already laid a foundation of trust and beautiful images and a fabulous experience together! Good Luck!
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